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Serving Satisfied Customers Since 1997

With a Shutter Click bring your Photographic Past to the Digital Age

What is ShotCopy How to Copy

How to Copy Negatives

How to Copy
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What is ShotCopy?

ShotCopy is a revolutionary new copy stand that allows you to mount your still or digital video camera onto a solid foundation for copying 35mm slides, negatives and prints up to 5 by 7 inches.  ShotCopy's design makes it fast, simple and easy to use while maintaining a very small foot print on your desk top.  It's not like the "good old days" when you needed a bulky copy stand with hot flood lights.

Explore our site and learn for yourself how versatile and easy it is to convert your slides, negatives and prints using your digital camera.  ShotCopy will save you time and money, compared to other methods, in converting your photographs into digital images. Save your photos from turning yellow and fading away. Use ShotCopy and your digital camera to convert your photos to digital images for others to enjoy and cherish.

Canon Evolt Series Digital Camera with interchangable lenses c2008

Canon HF100 Hi-Def Video Camera c2008


The Old Fashion Copy Stand - Hot Lights - Bulky Stand

How does ShotCopy Work?

ShotCopy works by holding a specially designed "slide/negative holder" in just the right position in front of your digital camera lens so it can be photographed for capture.  A white reflector is used to illuminate the slides or negatives from behind.  It is simple, quick and it works great!!!

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ShotCopy's Unique, Custom Quality Design

ShotCopy is handcrafted from natural wood, galvanized steel and plastic for many years of trouble-free service.  With ShotCopy's  ingenious simplicity of design makes it easy to use allowing quick photo changes.  Also, its compactness takes very little space on your desktop.  

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Easy to Use

ShotCopy is easy to use because it requires no fancy clamping mechanisms to hold the images in place for copying.  It uses the unique properties of magnetism to position your slides, negatives and prints in the correct position for copying with your digital camera.

Works with most Digital Cameras
Due to ShotCopy's design it will work with most digital cameras that can focus to within one inch of the camera lens.  We would like to say all digital cameras but it would be impractical for us to test ShotCopy with every camera made. This is why it's important to test your digital camera before buying your very own ShotCopy.

Checking for Image Frame-Barreling...Camcorder Finger Test...

How to Order ShotCopy

Before Purchasing ShotCopy
Giving your camera the Finger Test...

The main point to remember before purchasing ShotCopy is to test your digital camera, with your finger or a slide, to see if it can focus clearly to within one inch of the camera lens.  This camera feature is required to copy slides and negatives.  During your testing make sure your camera's zoom-lens is set for  wide angle viewing.  Also, check for severe image barreling.  This is when the edges of the four sides of the slide image look like they are bending inward. If your camera is having trouble focusing at this distance try a set of supplemental close-up lenses for your camera.  For more information - Click Here

ShotCopy User Comment

In support of our great product, here is a user testimonial that typifies the comments we receive from our our satisfied ShotCopy  customers.

Saving big bucks...

I was skeptical at first. It seemed to simple and easy to be true.  But I felt I had nothing to lose by giving it a try. My alternative was an expensive slide/negative scanner. I had already tried a flat top scanner. It was taking forever to scan over 100 slides. Plus, the results were not very good. With ShotCopy and my new digital camera I finished the project in a day!

Thanks for saving me money, time and a great product that made the job easy.

Larry W.
Spokane, Washington


30 Day Money Back Guarantee

We want you to be completely satisfied  with your ShotCopy purchase so you will tell your friends about our great product.  We are so confident you are going to love ShotCopy we offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee


If for any reason your are not completely satisfied with your ShotCopy purchase, return it within 30 days of receipt for a full refund of your purchase price (less shipping & handling).  It's that simple!